Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Gongo la Mboto: No compensation for cars, cash

The government yesterday released a preliminary report on how people affected by the devastation caused by the recent bomb explosions at the Gongo la Mboto military base in suburban Dar es Salaam would be compensated.
Receiving the report from the regional disaster committee, acting Dar es Salaam Regional Commissioner Saidi Meck Sadick said it had been established that more than 3,000 houses were hit, with varying degrees of damage, and therefore qualified for compensation.
He however explained that any cash, vehicles and other valuables lost or damaged in the accident would not be considered for compensation “in part because it will be very difficult to verify or establish the facts of the respective cases”.
He said the second phase of evaluation was scheduled to start this week, followed by the actual payment of compensation to those eligible. Kwa habari kamili endelea kusoma hapa.....http://www.ippmedia.com/frontend/index.php?l=27020

We all have seen  pictures showing damages to majumba na magari. Who will be responsible to pay these  hard working innocent people from the damage done to their cars ? I sure do hope for those who had insurance to get some kind of compensations from insurance companies. Government; this is the shame!

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